Caring financial partner

About Our Company

Bimas Kenya is a human and enterprise development organization without religious, political or Governmental affiliations that provides access to financial and technical assistance services to clients for sustainable wealth creation.

The overall goal of BIMAS is to realize sustained economic growth and employment in the rural sector resulting in enhanced social welfare and increased income of the rural population in Kenya. This ultimately reduces poverty and improve people’s wellbeing sustainably.

We are a leading microfinance institution in Kenya with its Head office in Embu having 40 branches countrywide in 18 counties.

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Our Vision

To be the financial partner of choice in Kenya and beyond.

Our Mission

To offer innovative financial and non financial services to economically productive population for sustainable wealth creation

Core Values

Caring, Innovation, Equity, Integrity

Bimas focus in society

Our Turning point

BIMAS targets economically active poor people with a specific focus on women and youth. Our focus on women and youth, increases their participation in economic activities and access to resources through microfinance and educating them to influence how they utilize their resources, BIMAS seeks to increase the likelihood of clients investing their increased disposable income in the well-being of their children.







Are you in need of a loan? Get in touch with us.

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